
A Prayer for Peace and Humanity

(Note: This content is a 3-min read)

Growing up having friends from different races and religions has enriched my life in ways I could never have imagined. The diverse backgrounds and perspectives that my friends bring to our relationship have opened my eyes to a world of traditions and experiences that I may not otherwise have encountered. Rather than see differences as barriers, I have come to appreciate and celebrate the unique cultural and religious aspects that each of my friends hold. Our friendship has taught me the values of empathy and respect, and the importance of these values in a society. 

As a Malaysian, I have experienced firsthand the beauty of unity in our diverse and multicultural nation. Our population comprises not only Malay, Chinese and Indian but many other ethnic groups and growing. The strength we derive from our unity in diversity is truly remarkable. Concepts such as “Muhibbah”, “Gotong-Royong” and especially “1 Malaysia”, underscores the peaceful coexistence of these different communities living in harmony.

Throughout history, Malaysia has had challenges and conflicts, but our unwavering commitment to unity has always prevailed. Celebrations of festivals like Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali and Christmas resonate throughout the nation, emphasizing the shared cultural values. It’s truly heartwarming to see Malaysians from all walks of life coming together to honor these occasions, embracing and cherishing each other’s diverse traditions. 

Racism and religious intolerance destroys harmony

What I truly admire about friendships in Malaysia is the respect towards each other’s race and religion. My friends and I would always support and participate in each other’s cultural and religious celebrations. Whether it is attending a religious ceremony, joining in a cultural festival, or simply sharing in the joy of a traditional holiday, we actively seek to honor and partake in the festivities that hold deep significance for each other. These experiences provide meaningful opportunities to express solidarity and to demonstrate our heartfelt appreciation for the traditions and rituals that shape our lives. By engaging with these celebrations, we express our commitment to honoring and preserving the diversity of our population

What happens if we do not approach different races and religions with respect and tolerance? Consequences which will harm all parties. Fostering friction, misunderstanding and disharmony within communities are only some of these consequences. The importance of respecting diverse races and religions plays an essential role in maintaining social cohesion. Failure to respect these fundamental aspects of human identity can have severe repercussions. An example happening right now is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that illustrates the failure to tolerate both race and religion. The inability to acknowledge and respect the diverse perspectives, histories and identities involved has led to a tragic cycle of strife, suffering and loss of lives. 

Be Grateful

We Malaysians are fortunate to have been born into a peaceful and harmonious nation. We can go about our daily life without constant worry about safety, enjoying weekends and festivities with the unity of various races and religions. Let’s not only look forward to the festive holiday of Christmas, but also pause to reflect on the harsh realities faced by those affected by conflict, such as the Palestinian people. Regardless of our backgrounds, let’s extend our thoughts to those suffering and hope for common sense to prevail, urging nations to unite in efforts to bring an end to the war and cultivate lasting peace. 

Christmas and New Year serve as symbolic milestones, encouraging people across the globe to reflect on the values of peace, compassion, and unity. These celebrations which are associated  with  love, goodwill, and renewal serve as powerful catalysts for change, encouraging us individuals and nations alike to embrace the shared dream of a world where peace reigns supreme. As the world transitions from the old year to the new, I hope for greater harmony and a respite from conflicts and wars. Let us carry forward this spirit of unity and may compassion and understanding guide us toward a better year where all can experience the warmth of the holiday season without conflict looming overhead. 

With that I wish everyone a joyous and peaceful Christmas.

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Karim Nadziruddin
Karim Nadziruddin
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